
美国发明家科学院院士Yu-Dong Yao教授应邀莅临我室做学术交流

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87日,美国发明家科学院院士、加拿大工程院院士、IEEE Fellow、现任美国史蒂文斯理工学院终身教授,电子与计算机工程系主任Dr. Yu-Dong Yao应邀莅临我院交流访学,做了题为“Cognitive Radio: Research and Research Methods”的专题讲座。讲座深入浅出地介绍了通信与信息处理领域相关的应用和发展状况,认知无线电网络中的安全控制问题,次用户的接入控制问题,讨论相应的研究思路与方法,以及Dr. Yu-Dong Yao近期在该领域的科研成果和创新。最后也对该领域研究中遇到的困难和瓶颈进行了系统的分析,同时也指出了未来研究中将遇到的挑战。Dr. Yu-Dong Yao的报告生动形象,与现场教师和同学的互动精彩纷呈。活动由我院二系副主任张小飞教授主持,学院副院长、长江特聘教授吴启晖全程陪同。与会人员还有史清江教授,访问学者董超、袁志刚教授等。报告现场氛围浓厚,交流深入。交流活动为我院老师、同学们提供了十分宝贵的学习机会,活动取得了圆满成功。

Dr. Yu-Dong Yao简介:

From 1989 and 1990, he was at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, as a Research Associate working on mobile radio communications. From 1990 to 1994, he was with Spar Aerospace Ltd., Montreal, Canada, where he was involved in research on satellite communications. From 1994 to 2000, he was with Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, CA, where he participated in research and development in wireless code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems. He joined Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, in 2000, where he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and a Director of the Wireless Information Systems Engineering Laboratory (WISELAB). He holds one Chinese patent and ten U.S. patents. He was a Guest Editor for a special issue on wireless networks for the International Journal of Communication Systems. His research interests include wireless communications and networks, spread spectrum and CDMA, antenna arrays and beamforming, SDR, and digital signal processing for wireless systems. Dr. Yao is an Associate Editor of IEEE Communications Letters and IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, and an Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.